Amnesia (2024)

for any number of instruments

Program notes

Amnesia is an expressive algorithmic composition that focuses on social amnesia. It takes inspiration from how, in totalitarian regimes, the truth can be forgotten collectively by the rule of dictators. Through repetition of lies, lies make you forget the truth. Each person forgets it differently and remembers just pieces of it. Pieces might still reminisce the truth, but only if it is heard collectively. This piece takes this idea and applies it to an ever-changing progression for each instrument. Each part for each instrument is produced through an algorithmic process before the performance. Each part “forgets” a different note after every 12 repetitions. Throughout the piece, each instrument forgets different elements that leave a memory of the original progression that remains semi-intact throughout the performance before being wholly forgotten.


[Coming soon]

Meta Information

Title: Amnesia

Subtitle: for any combination of instruments

Completion/Revision Year: 2024

Premiere: December, 2024

Genre: Contemporary/Algorithmic

Scoring: The parts created by the CAC tool and created before a performance

Availability: Score and parts available upon request

Dedication: for Brandon LaFleur

Commissioner(s): -

Duration: ca. 8 min

Machaut's Puis Q'en Oubli (2024)

for choir and live electronics

arr. David Walters and Kerem Ergener

Program Notes

In its original form, Machaut’s Puis qu’en oubli R18 is a straightforward ars nova rondeau scored for three voices. The uppermost voice carries the melody while the other two [added by Machaut sometime later] sustain the harmony. Presently, the harmony and counterpoint have been expand­ed to four voices and the melody fragmented, traveling throughout the texture. As the architecture broadens to accommodate subsequent divisi and the tessitura rises, various melodic lines are aban­doned or overtaken by increasingly desperate waves of melancholy. Furthermore, this arrangement takes on a whole new meaning with the addition of electronics. During the performance, the elec­tronic sounds are created live on stage from the recorded sounds of the choir. The swelling tones and glitchy texture are layered with the voices to create a unique sound not often heard in choral concerts. This innovative conflagration of modern technology, contemporary choral techniques, and ars nova style poignantly captures what it means to be forgotten by someone to whom you imagined you were you unforgettable. 



Meta Information

Title: Machaut's Puis Q'en Oubli

Subtitle: for choir and live electronics

Completion/Revision Year: 2024

Premiere: March 5, 2024, Baton Rouge, Lousiana

Genre: Electroacoustic

Scoring: Choir

Availability: Score and parts available upon request

Dedication: for Alissa Rowe

Commissioner(s): LSU A Cappella Choir

Duration: ca. 7 min

In Praise of Shadows (2023)

for three instruments and electronics 

Program notes

In Praise of Shadows is an evocative electroacoustic composition, sharing its name with the revered book by Japanese novelist Jun'ichirō Tanizaki. This piece is a reflection of my lifelong enchantment with shadows — a fascination that defines my very raison d'être. The stark white overhead lighting, for me, has always felt overbearing, its intensity reminiscent of bleaker times. I fondly recall moments from my youth, lounging on my mother's pristine white linen couch, eagerly awaiting the spotlights illuminating her art collection to cast their shape-shifting shadows. Years ago, I discovered Tanizaki's masterwork, which resonated deeply. The work elucidates the Western tendency to flood spaces with light, contrasting it with the nuanced play of dim light and shadows central to Japanese aesthetics. Such environments, characterized by soft, indirect light, cultivate a sense of subtlety and ambiguity. They are rich tapestries of texture and patina, continually evolving over time. This piece encapsulates the essence of watching the shadows' emergence and disappearance. As listeners, you are invited to immerse yourselves in the ebb and flow of shadows painted by the instrument's luminescence, accentuated by the harmonious interplay of electronic resonances and gentle acoustic murmurs.


[SEAMUS Performance]

[ICMC Performance]

Meta Information

Title: In Praise of Shadows

Subtitle: for three instruments and electronics 

Completion/Revision Year: 2024

Premiere: January 2024, Baton Rouge, Lousiana

Genre: Electroacoustic/Algorithmic 

Scoring: All instruments

Availability: Score and software available upon request

Dedication: for Jun'ichirō Tanizaki

Commissioner(s) -

Awards/recognition: Published in SEAMUS CD. Vol 34 (Coming soon)

Duration: ca. 8 min

TORN (2023)

for cello and electronics  

Program notes

TORN is a three-movement electroacoustic piece about someone essential to our lives. When we saw them for the last time, we never knew we would never talk with them, see them, or smell them again. Grief is a futile but necessary part of being torn apart.


[First movement]

Meta Information

Title: TORN 

Subtitle: for cello and electronics

Completion/Revision Year: 2023

Premiere: November, 2023

Genre: Electroacoustic/Sound reactive

Scoring: Graphic score and software

Availability: Score and software available upon request

Dedication: for Olivia Katz

Commissioner(s): New Music Mosaic

Duration: ca. 5 min

Primal Cycles (2023)

for 4 identical instruments 

Program notes

Primal Cycles for four identical instruments is a minimalist progress piece shaped around prime numbers. Each performer plays together, but according to their part, they play louder every 5, 7, 11, or 13 times. The notes must be played for around 20 minutes o reach unison at the end. The piece investigates human nature and a sonic meditation toward collectiveness.   


[Premiere - Viola version]

Meta Information

Title: Primal Cycles

Subtitle: for 4 identical instruments 

Completion/Revision Year: 2023

Premiere: May, 2023

Genre: Acoustic

Scoring: Score and the score following the visualisation tool

Availability: Score and visualization available upon request

Dedication: -

Commissioner(s): - 

Duration: ca. 20 min

data.corruption (2022)

for flute and cello

Program notes

data.corruption explores the fragility of digital means and the tools we rely on daily. During the performance, you encounter a sonic landscape of chaotic glitches and skips of a once-reliable technology distributed by abrupt failures and slow degradation. The piece raises questions about dependence on technology, the vulnerability of our digital medium, and the impermanence of modern memory systems.



Meta Information

Title: data.corruption

Subtitle: for cello and flute

Completion/Revision Year: 2022

Premiere: November, 2022

Genre: Contemporary

Scoring: cello and flute

Availability: Score available upon request

Dedication: -

Commissioner(s): -

Duration: ca. 10 min

Variations on Nile (2018)

for piano and electronics

Program notes

“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river, and he's not the same man.” - Heraclitus

Variations on Nile invite the listener to immerse themselves in enjoying the interplay of piano and electronics, where the boundary between humanity and nature is continuously blurred. The electronics create a soundscape that captures fragments of voyage, atmosphere, and echoes of everlasting change.


[Not available]

Meta Information

Title: Variations on Nile

Subtitle: piano and electronics

Completion/Revision Year: 2018

Premiere: November, 2018

Genre: Electroacoustic

Scoring: Piano and electronics

Availability: Not available



Duration: ca. 3 min

Dot (2018)

for any number of instruments from the same family

Program notes

Dot is a chance piece designed to be played as an interaction between performers. Each performer uses a set of transparent paper filled with dots. After the performer throws them on a staff paper, they perform what they see on the staff paper with different dynamics and durations according to their desire. It is recommended that performers listen to each other and collaborate to provide sonic events and cohesion.


[Not Avaliable]

Meta Information

Title: Dot

Subtitle: for any number of instruments from the same family

Completion/Revision Year: 

Premiere: Nov, 2018

Genre: Contemporary/Game piece

Scoring: Transparent graphic paper

Availability: Available upon request

Dedication: -

Commissioner(s): -

Duration: ca. 12 min

Still Thriving (2017)

for solo piano

Program notes

Still Thriving is a piano game piece that challenges the performer's creativity through limitations. The performer needs to navigate within cells and create connections between each cell within a certain duration before continuing to the next chapter. It is composed in the spirit of minimalism combined with jazz improvisation.



Meta Information

Title: Still Thriving

Subtitle: for piano

Completion/Revision Year: 2017

Premiere: -

Genre: Contemporary/Game Piece

Scoring: Piano

Availability: Score is available upon request

Dedication: -

Commissioner(s): -

Duration: ca. 9 min

A Life (2017)

for any number of instruments and heartbeat sensors

Program notes

A Life is an exploration of the things we cannot decide in life and their effect. Every performer chooses what to play according to parameters like their birthday and blood type, things that we know about us that are destined in our birth. Every performer's tempo varies according to their heartbeat during the performance. It is a piece about the performers' lives, bodies, and emotions.


[Not Avaliable]

Meta Information

Title: A Life

Subtitle: for any number of instruments and heartbeat sensors

Completion/Revision Year: 2017

Premiere: -

Genre: Electroacoustic

Scoring: Graphic score

Availability: Score available upon request, requires heartbeat sensors

Dedication: for Oguz Canbek

Commissioner(s): -

Duration: ca. 8 min


Selected Lost Works 2018-2020  (2021)

Album notes

Produced with many synthesizers, codes, old drum machines, fx pedals but most importantly with friends' help.

Special thanks to Oğuz Canbek for playıng the Rhodes MK 7, Alper Yıldırım for the artwork came out of our common adoration for fonts and Onat Önol for emotional support.



Meta Information

Album: Selected Lost Works 2018-2020

Artist(s): Kerem Ergener


1 Cursed

2 Dust

3 Sims

4 Heartbeat

5 Monolith

6 Kansu (Interlude)

7 Rest Of Me

8 Itina

9 Polaroid

10 29052020

Completion/Revision Year: 2021

Genre: Electronic/Abstract, Experimental, Leftfield, Noise, Ambient

Label: Le Horla Records - HOR-04

Dedication: -

Mixed and Mastered by: Kerem Ergener

Duration: ca. 45 min

Algorave İstanbul: Thread #iter 3 (2021)

Album notes

Algorave Istanbul consists of musicians, visual artists, researchers, technology enthusiasts and people interested in creative coding. It aims to apply and spread the live coding applications on creative works.

We kicked off the "Thread #iter" compilation series in order to support the live coding artists of Istanbul, and spread their work. This third compilation includes tracks from İstanbul based artists casus, emrexdeger, Katran, and Kerem Ergener.



Meta Information

Album: Algorave İstanbul: Thread #iter 3

Artist(s): casus, emrexdeger, Katran, Kerem Ergener


1 casus - Detest

2 emrexdeger - Hic Sunt Dracones

3 Katran - Unknown

4 Kerem Ergener - ST-0420-SCTD

Composed By, Recorded By –  casus, emrexdeger, Katran, and Kerem Ergener

Completion/Revision Year: 2021

Genre: Electronic / Leftfield, Glitch, Ambient, Minimal 




Mixed and Mastered by: Mastered by Yağız Özdemir except "ST-0420-SCTD" by Kerem Ergener

Commissioner(s): Algorave Istanbul

Duration: ca. 20 min

God's Den (2020)

Album notes

Gadsden was born in 90’s Turkey. They performed with such names as █████ █████ █████ █████ and released albums under █████ █████ █████. Gadsden influenced by Turkey’s political and religious movements. They tell the story of the 2001 economic crisis and the position of Turkey before the crisis, political separations and economic struggles. They present a world embellished with eastern rhythms, electronic sounds, samples that transform into noise and gradually destroyed structures. Gadsden is currently living in █████.



Meta Information

Album: God's Den

Artist(s): Gadsden


1 Regime

2 The Question

3 Disco On Horseback

4 The Man With A Cash Register

5 Unbearable Waiting

6 Breaking the Pencil

7 Wall of Gaza

8 Madimak

9 Hallicunation

10 Ahir

Completion/Revision Year: 2020

Genre: Electronic/Experiemenral, Noise, Industrial

Label: Table Records

Dedication: -

Mixed and Mastered by: Kerem Ergener

Commissioner(s): -

Duration: ca. 35 min

Cut the Crap (Revisited) (2020)

Album notes

This album consists of remixes of In Hoodies - Cut The Crap.

Kerem Ergener as Le Horla



Meta Information

Album: Cut the Crap (Revisited) (2020)

Artist(s): Zeynep Oktar, Ox, Kaosmos, Karakter and Le Horla


1 Cut the Crap (Zeynep Oktar Rework)

2 Cut the Crap (Ox Remake)

3 Cut the Crap (Kaosmos Remix)

4 Cut the Crap (Karakter Remix)

5 Cut the Crap (Le Horla Remodel)

Completion/Revision Year: 2020

Genre: Electronic/Ambient, Leftfield, Alt-Rock, Noise

Label: Hood Base 

Dedication: -

Mixed and Mastered by: Unknown

Commissioner(s): Murat Kılıkçıer (In Hoodies)

Duration: ca. 30 min

In Sync (2019)

Album notes

SANRI is an arts and literature zine based in Istanbul.

Published an experimental compilation album, 'In Sync', for the self/ego themed fourth issue of the zine.



Meta Information

Album: In Sync

Artist(s): Various artist


1 Sufus Hufus - Sandtalk1

2 Eda Er & Simon Sieger - ESSE

3 Kerem Ergener - Why Boredom Is So Power Full In Your Life

4 Erdener Önder - Perşembe

5 Berk Özdemir - I HATE WIND

6 Şükret Gökay - İrticalen

7 Volkan Ergen - Beş Flüt

8 Sinan Samanlı - Durmadan Kurulup Dağılan Bu Yerde

9 Mehmet Ali Uzunselvi - Akrokopis

10 Didem Coşkunseven - Education In Remembering

11 Arcade Ghoul - SWIM.GIF

12 Landsby - Orient


14 Deniz Alkan - Söylenen Hiçbir Şeyin Gerçek Olmayacağı

15 Fezayafirar - And They Did Nothing

16 Robotik Hayaller - Master Drone

17 Şamandıra - Ferry Farty

18 Qadrra - Faux ID

19 Fluctuosa - Sosuketif

20 FOSİL - Koordinat

21 Modern Noise Machine - Micronet

22 Tembel Hayvan - Karbon6

23 Oldeaf - Trip Up

24 Artizan - Bülbül

25 Wouwiuwa - Zındık

26 Tolga Zafer Özdemir Feat Görkem Şen (Yaybahar) - Bil Ki Senden Başkası Yok

Completion/Revision Year: 2019

Genre: Electronic/Experimental, Noise

Label: SANRI Zine

Dedication: -

Mixed and Mastered by: Various

Commissioner(s): SANRI Zine

Duration: over 1 hour

Вароша  (2019)

Album notes

«Вароша» was created by experimental projects from Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Italy, and Russia. Part of the edition was randomly circulated in Nicosia in the summer of 2019.

This compilation is dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the Cyprus conflict.



Meta Information

Album: В​а​р​о​ш​а

Artist(s): Various Artists


1 H.C.N. - Divide Et Impera 03:32

2 Jericho Trumpet - Mortyrium 05:08

3 Ajuleg&Irm - Турецкий марш 05:31

4 Arbeitsunfall - Intrusion 06:24

5 Black Spring - Poem No2 03:46

6 Kerem Ergener - Kahpe 05:46

7 Ультраполярное вторжение - Старые ножи ещё остры 06:07

8 Matriarchy Roots - Призраки прошлого 04:48

9 Grёzoblazhenstvie - Заживо 05:53

10 Faintin' Goats - Head Back 03:25

11 KRRAU - Μολὼν λαβέ 06:33

12 Grim Machine - Lapithos 05:00

13 Theotokos - Psalm 33 07:43

14 Blue Dervish - Ένωσις 05:27

Completion/Revision Year: 2019

Genre: Electronic/Experimental, Noise, Power Electronics

Label: UIS Label

Dedication: -

Mixed and Mastered by: Offside Studio


Duration: ca. 62 min

Noisy Ground (2019)

Album notes

A noise compilation by the local artists for the noise themed first issue of SANRI Zine. An arts and literature zine based in Istanbul.



Meta Information

Album: Noisy Groung

Artist(s): Various Artists


Completion/Revision Year: 

01 Elif Yalvaç - Seppuku

02 Ahmetcan Gökçeer - 7moves

03 İskeletor - PHREAK

04 Görkem Arıkan - Pet Shop Noise

05 Deniz Nurhat - Leek

06 Şevket Akıncı - Patlayan Müşteri

07 Gürkan Baltacılar - Improvisation20190408

08 Kristina Golubkova - Bitch, I am trying to disappear

09 Randomizedissues - audioclip-1556029483-113262

10 Sinan İlhan - Separation

11 TKO - Torus

12 Kıvanç Tatar - Inner piece

13 Zeynep Özcan - focus

14 Apoteke - démarche oblique

15 KAOSMOS - Levitate

16 Blank Wall Season - Aneurysmatic Clast

17 cinuty - yoghurt 1808

18 valetu - obsolete

19 Metal Fetishist - Digital Bounce

20 Eda Er - I should have known a certain romance

21 Eylül Deniz - no.elk

22 Yaren Eren Budak - BUT2

23 Arcade Ghoul - Apologies

24 Başar Ünder - Sim

25 Deniz Alkan - İlik

26 Fezayafirar - 2-5.62gece

27 Kerem Ergener - FIRE

28 Volkan Ergen Üçlüsü - Synth Mastering

29 Kobra - A3

30 The Diet or Kebab Dilemma - Double Alexander

31 Bewitched As Dark - Destroy the Planet!

32 Uğur Çerkezoğlu - S4NK

33 RAW - ephemeral

34 ZS ZS - Keine Frau für Muhammad

35 Del_F64.0 - Kleine Gewaldseepisssexschnecke


Label: SANRI Zine

Dedication: -

Mixed and Mastered by: Various

Commissioner(s): SANRI Zine

Duration: over 1 hour

Sonik Chamber #9: Live in Istanbul (2019)

Album notes

This album consists on live recording made in Sonik Chamber #9 event at Bina in Kadıköy, Istanbul

Noiseistanbul presents:

SONIK CHAMBER #9 "the sonic chamber for sonic worship"

Batur Sonmez, who left his mark on Turkish electronic music in the last 20 years with his visionary works on behalf of contemporary experimental, electronic and noise music, ended his concert called "Signals From Outside" and "Noiseistanbul" series in 2016 which lasted for 10 years. In 2017, he launched a new concept, the experimental, electronic, noise, improvisational music series "Sonik Chamber". Sonik Chamber is based on its progressive and innovative music approach formed by electronic / experimental music pioneers such as Luigi Russolo, Pierre Schaeffer, John Cage, Karlheinz Stockhausen and İlhan Mimaroğlu.

In the 9th event of the series, drummer Ryosuke Kiyasu from Japan and Kerem Ergener from Istanbul are invited.

The night will begin with the solo performances of the musicians taking part, and all the musicians together will end up with the Sonik Chamber performance that gives the event its name.



Meta Information

Album: Sonik Chamber #9: Live in Istanbul

Artist(s): Batur Sönmez, Kerem Ergener and Ryosuke Kiyasu


1 Batur Sönmez

2 Kerem Ergener

3 Ryosuke Kiyasu

4 Sonik Chamber 15:05

Completion/Revision Year: 2019

Genre: Electronic/Noise

Label: Le Horla Records

Dedication: -

Mixed and Mastered by: Batu Çetinkaya

Commissioner(s): Batur Sonmez

Duration: ca. 1 hour 13 min

Thee Lost Symphony ov Tommy Wiseau (2018)

Album notes

This EP is released for a concert. Digital excerpt is available here. Full 19 minute version is only available as cassette.



Meta Information

Album: Thee Lost Symphony ov Tommy Wiseau

Artist(s): The Replicants (Onat Onol, Guitar/Kerem Ergener, Electronics)


1 Thee Lost Symphony ov Tommy Wiseau

Completion/Revision Year: 2018

Genre: Electronics/Experimental

Label: Le Horla Records

Dedication: to Tommy Wiseau and The Room

Mixed and Mastered by: Kerem Ergener

Commissioner(s): -

Duration: ca. 25 min

Sonik Chamber #6: Live in Istanbul (2018)

Album notes

This album consists on live recording made in Sonik Chamber #6 event at Kargart in Kadıköy, Istanbul

Noiseistanbul presents:

SONIK CHAMBER #6 "the sonic chamber for sonic worship"

Batur Sonmez, who left his mark on Turkish electronic music in the last 20 years with his visionary works on behalf of contemporary experimental, electronic and noise music, ended his concert called "Signals From Outside" and "Noiseistanbul" series in 2016 which lasted for 10 years. In 2017, he launched a new concept, the experimental, electronic, noise, improvisational music series "Sonik Chamber". Sonik Chamber is based on its progressive and innovative music approach formed by electronic / experimental music pioneers such as Luigi Russolo, Pierre Schaeffer, John Cage, Karlheinz Stockhausen and İlhan Mimaroğlu.

In the 6th event of the series, electronic musician-producer Samur Khouja from the USA and Kerem Ergener from Istanbul are invited.

The night will begin with the solo performances of the musicians taking part, and all the musicians together will end up with the Sonik Chamber performance that gives the event its name.



Meta Information

Album: Sonik Chamber #6: Live in Istanbul

Artist(s): Batur Sönmez, Kerem Ergener and Conscious Summary


1 Batur Sönmez

2 Kerem Ergener

3 Conscious Summary

4 Sonik Chamber

Completion/Revision Year: 2018

Genre: Electronic/Noise

Label: Le Horla Records

Dedication: -

Mixed and Mastered by: Rammy Roo

Commissioner(s): -

Duration: ca. 1 hour 31 min

Memory and Change: Live at Alt (2018)

Album notes

This album consists on live recording of the concert performed in 27.09.2017 at BomontiAda Alt under "Hafıza ve Değişim" (Memory and Change).

Special thanks to sound engineer extraordinaire Batuhan Çetinkaya for recording, mixing and mastering this record in harsh conditions, to our lovely host Burcu Yılmaz that helped us in every possible way and to A Corner In The World team.



Meta Information

Album: Memory and Change: Live at Alt

Artist(s): SAVT (Merve Salgar, Tanbur / Elif Canfeza Gündüz, Classical Kemençe / Zeynep Ayşe Hatipoğlu, Cello) and Le Horla (Kerem Ergener, electronics)


1 Part 1

2 Part 2

3 Part 3

Completion/Revision Year: 2018

Genre: Contemporary/Jazz/Improvisation

Label: Le Horla Records

Dedication: -

Mixed and Mastered by: Batuhan Çetinkaya

Commissioner(s): SAVT

Duration: ca. 47 min

Selected Lost Works 2015-2017  (2018)

Album notes

This album consists of the old fixed media works made for festivals, concerts and competitions. All of the works have been found in a presumed long lost hard drive with little information attached to the works. The only memory remains is belong to my memories.



Meta Information

Album: Selected Lost Works 2015​-​2017

Artist(s): Kerem Ergener


1 Etude sur l'autonomie des circuits analogique no1

2 Etude sur l'autonomie des circuits analogique no2

3 Surement

4 Gruiformes

5 For Whom The Bell Tolls

6 Lourd

7 in.a.narrow.field

8 Collusion

9 Stiff Peaks

10 Delusion

11 SazRytm

12 We Go Up, We Go Down

13 Pussin Cat

14 A Button, B Button

15 maillady_vs_grabber

Completion/Revision Year: 

Genre: Electronic/Abstract, Experimental,

Label: Le Horla Records

Dedication: -

Mixed and Mastered by: Kerem Ergener

Commissioner(s): -

Duration: ca. 1 hour 13 min

Ajirak (2018)

Album notes

Ajirak: Noise, sound, bellow

“Everything is ridiculous if one thinks of death.”

-Thomas Bernhard

This album is made with Elektron Octatrack, Elektron Analog Rythm, Moog Mother-32, DIY analog and digital circuits, lots of pedals, blood and sweat. Recorded in one take without any overdubbing.



Meta Information

Album: Ajirak

Artist(s): Le Horla


1 Ajirak

Completion/Revision Year: 2018

Genre: Electronics/Experimental, Industrial

Label: M4NM

Dedication: to Holger Czukay

Mixed and Mastered by: Batuhan Çetinkaya 

Commissioner(s): -

Duration: ca. 35 min

M4NM:0008 (2016)

Album notes

Compilation album for collective's 8th year anniversary.



Meta Information


Artist(s): Various Artists/Kerem Ergener as Le Horla


1 document1–run

2 Seskamol–One

3 Kaolin–Lighter Gas

4 kgwgk–moonrise in munikh

5 Zeuma Mera–Stay Down

6 Modblu–1980

7 Armonycoma Or Slt–Geceler

8 I'mpty–Sonkahvemaratonu

9 Afgan–Trapped in Coffin

10 Oldleaf–Acaba Acaba

11 Wodashin–SMOK SUM

12 RSPC–nokta2

13 Cxngxvxr–Painful

14 extreme parking–not while u r drivin

15 Le Horla–sea.out.of.sight.

16 Geiger–Yew

Completion/Revision Year: 

Genre: Electronic

Label: M4NM

Dedication: -

Mixed and Mastered by: Various

Commissioner(s): M4NM

Duration: ca. 9 min

+K-K (2016)

Album notes

Collecting sad but true old and new stuff in a story , 3rd solo album of Armonycoma Or Slt 

Executive producer: Kerem Ergener



Meta Information

Album: +K-K

Artist(s): Armonycoma Or Slt 


1 -K

2 NoEnd Ballad I 1:32

3 NoEnd Ballad II

4 EviLLaughter

5 Yıkım 21Ocak'11 (tapedit)

6 moURNing

7 Bir düş

8 Hail!

9 Pass-i-on (tapedit)

10 1TatlıKusur

11 Awake with Me

12 Getaway (inst)

13 +K

14 Pencere

15 hiçevimyok (Teneke Trampet inst.)

16 Sonucu Tanıyorum RX (RSPC pürtelaş live edit)

17 üveykardeşim

18 Getaway

19 Breathlock

Completion/Revision Year: 2017

Genre: Electronic/Beat

Label: Le Horla Records/M4NM



Mixed and Mastered by: Mustafa Kocyigit

Commissioner(s): Kerem Ergener

Duration: ca. 40 min

Le Cafard (2016)

Album notes

Second album from Turkish leftfield, hip hop duo Roadside Picnic. Limited to 300 hand numbered copies that comes with hand stamp centre. It also comes with a fanzine and digital download code.

RSPC is Armonycoma and Ağaçkakan



Meta Information

Album: Le Cafard

Artist(s): RSPC


1 Kakafonya Yokuşu No 7

2 Ya'hat

3 Afazi Gürültüsü (feat. Mono)

4 Etrafındalar

5 Kara Çatılardan Kente

6 Asparagaste (feat. Florian Zimmer)

7 Tanık Kör

8 Dünya Makinası (feat. Hals)

9 Kılıkbazın 3 Günü (feat. Pitohui)

10 Kendisinin İblisi

11 Kaygı Karnavalı (feat. Wodashin)

12 Ne Halim Varsa

13 Saligia

Completion/Revision Year: 

Genre: Electronic/Hip-Hop

Label: Le Horla Records

Dedication: -

Mixed and Mastered by: Doktor

Commissioner(s): Kerem Ergener

Duration: ca. 43 min


50Hz (2024)

About the installation

50Hz is the utility or nominal frequency of electricity in most of the world, except the Americas and some parts of Asia. In Europe, though, that’s the main frequency. This means when you turn on the light or plug in your coffee machine, that’s the electricity that flows in the veins of your house. You hear it but choose to ignore it. Even though you don’t consciously notice, it is an essential part of your environment, a building block to your atmosphere. Now, listen. Listen to the electrical blood that flows in the veins of your atmosphere.

In “50Hz,” Kerem Ergener invites you to an experience that will make you aware of your attunement with the space you are in. You will face the sounds so familiar that you feel them rather than hear them. The change of pressure throughout the space makes you experience the architectural space differently with every step you take. Listen carefully, internalize, be one with the room you are standing in.



Meta Information

Medium: Architectural Sound Installation/sub transducers and audio

Premiered: May, 2024

Dimensions: 14ftx10ft

Exhibition venue: LSU School of Architecture, Baton Rouge, Lousiana

Curator: LSU School of Architecture

The Veil (2023)

About the installation

We look but don’t see. Light and darkness surrounds us, we don’t give any praise. What if there were no shadows but just light, no reflection that we can see ourselves. Lost in a mist, wearing an eternal veil that obscure our ability to see far ahead, stuck in a personal space, a shared loneliness.


Does not exist due to faulty camera equipment

Meta Information

Medium: Fog, Light and audio 

Premiered: May, 2023

Dimensions: 50ftx50ft

Exhibition venue:  LSU College of Arts and Design, Baton Rouge, Lousiana

Curator: LSU College of Arts and Design

Brotherhood (2022)

About the installation

Surrounded by sound. Calling you. Persistent, always inviting, never demanding. Even if you are in the dark, follow the sounds. Stand back, and you hear every calling... calling through peace and love. Each sound coming from the depths of their hearts. Make your own decision. The closer you get, the louder the sound is. The closer you get, your eyes get blinded more. The closer you get, you believe.

This work is based on the multicultural and multi-religious environment the artist witnessed while growing up in Turkey. The streets he grew up in were filled with the noises from different cultures, all welcoming. You could have heard the ezan (Islamic call for prayer) and church bells at the same time. The euphony of smells, tastes, and sounds covered the streets. In this installation, the artist shares his experience with the viewer by putting them in the middle of these calls and inviting them to position themselves in the space surrounded by these sounds.

Special thanks to Jesse Allison, Scott Nelson, Jerfi Aji, and Stuart Semple.



Meta Information

Medium: Sculpture and audi0

Premiered: December, 2022

Exhibition venue: YesWeCannibal, Baton Rouge, Lousiana

Curator: Liz Lessner


About the installation

"It’s always there... something buried deep inside. An idea, a thought, a fear, an entity lurking inside your mind. It’s calling you, reminding you, its always there. You cannot escape, it is part of you. Whether you like it or not it is you.”

Là takes its roots from works of Maupassant, Burroughs and Gysin. Like our eyes sees our nose but our brain chose to ignore it, there are always somethings inside our minds we don’t actively think about but lurking behind. This installation takes a journey through the viewers’ psyche and made them question about these things. It is a wake-up call for the things they do not want to remember.



Meta Information

Medium: Strobing lights and 4 channel audio

Premiered: March, 2021

Exhibition venue: Jam, Bangkok, Thailand

Curator: Jam

Worshipable Objects (or Tapınası Objeler)  (2019)

About the installation

Human beings are creatures that seek a source to worship. The source of worship is not always God; different beliefs worship different things, beings, or objects. In Islam, worship is intellectual to Allah without any means of physical things. In Christianity, objects like the cross carry significance in acts of worship. In Tanna Island in Vanuatu, people worship images of Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh. More modern versions have emerged over time without any religious connotations. Mark Rothko’s Rothko Chapel has been a stopping ground, a make, to art fanatics worldwide. Music fans gather every few decades to witness a chord change in John Cage’s work Organ²/ASLSP (As Slow as Possible) resonates in St. Bucardi church in Halbestadt, Germany, which will last 639 years. These acts of worship share a similar goal, they are all spiritually relaxing and meditative. This work gets its roots from the same idea: is it possible to create worshipable objects that lead to spiritual awakening and a meditative state? Common criteria emerge with examples like used baroque cathedral. 5 rules of worshipable objects goes like this:

 • 1. It should be grandiose 

• 2. It should be frightening 

• 3. It should draw the singular attention 

• 4. It should communicate 

• 5. It should be unique but replicable


Not produced due to cost

Meta Information

Medium: Sculpture and audio

Premiered: -

Exhibition venue: -


Ten Chaos at Asagaya Ten (2024)

About the performance

Performance in Tokyo, Japan



Meta Information

Date: 07/16/2024

Location: Asagaya Ten/Tokyo, Japan

Genre: Live Coding

Collaborators: -

Electric LaTex Festival (2024)

About the performance

The Experimental Music and Digital Media (EMDM) Studio at Louisiana State University is pleased to announce that we will be hosting the 2023-2024 Electric LaTex electronic music festival on January 26-27. Electric LaTex will include three concerts featuring works by students from the studios of the University of North Texas, University of Texas at Austin, Tulane University, Rice University, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Texas A&M, and Louisiana State University.

Piece title: Rx_KET

“Humanity is a virus.”




Meta Information

Date: 01/27/2024

Location: Lousiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Collaborators: -

Live Visuals for David Walters' Makrológos (2023)

for Pierrot Ensemble and Percussion

Program notes

Performed by the LSU Constantinides New Music Ensemble as part of the Sounds of Science events series at the East Baton Rouge Parish Library. The performance of Makrológos coincided with a panel discussion of music and science featuring myself, Dr. Param Singh, Dr. Mara Gibson, Dr. Prosanta Chakrabarty, and Dr. Greg Guzik. Thanks to the fantastic work of LSU doctoral candidate Kerem Ergener, the performers were bathed in light! Thank you to the Louisiana Space Consortium and EBRPL for supporting this project, and to Stuart Breczinski for his amazing A/V work. 

Inspired by cosmology, astronomy, and biology, this work is an effort to represent scientific facts in music. While certainly referential, Makrológos isn't human-centric; as in, music about how it feels to look up at the stars. This music is about the stars themselves or rather, how they came to be and their inevitable fate. That’s not to say there isn’t any poeticism. It’s just that the poeticism comes from us, and we map it onto the universe instead of the other way around.  

Makrológos is in three sections:

Singularity - The Big Bang, birth of stars, formation of planets

Emergence - The evolution of life from abiogenesis

Descent - The last stars, evaporation of black holes, darkness



Meta Information

Date: 01/27/2024

Location: East Baton Rouge Parish Library, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Collaborators: David Walters and LSU Constantinides New Music Ensemble

High Voltage Concert ( 2023 )

About the performance

Yearly organized electronic and electroacoustic music concert at Lousiana State University

Piece title: DAWN (2022)

“Instead of committing suicide, people go to work”

- Thomas Bernhard



Meta Information

Date: 02/24/2023

Location: Lousiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Collaborators: -

Electric LaTex Festival (2022)

About the performance

Rice Electroacoustic Music Labs welcomes composers and performers from the University of Texas-Austin, University of North Texas, Tulane University, and Louisiana State University to the Electric LATEX 2022.



Meta Information

Date: 11/05/2022

Location: Rice University, Houston, Texas

Collaborators: -

Immersive Sibilation II  ( 2020 )

About the performance

Immersive Sibilation was an even series in Bangkok for experiments on sonic synthesis.


[Excerpt available on Youtube]

Meta Information

Date: Jan, 2020

Location: Jam, Bangkok, Thailand


Who's in a Bunker by Hood Base ( 2020 )

About the performance

24 hour long online concert during the pandemic organised by Hood Base and Hexe Music including artists Ahmet Ali Arslan, Albus-In, Ali Deniz Kardelen, Bidar, Blank Wall Season, Çiçek Çocuk, Deniz of the Bees, Dilan Balkay, Elif Çağlar, Glasxs, Hedonutopia, Jtamul, Kamufle, Karakter, Kerem Ergener, Padme, Panic Zombies, Parham A.G, Selin Birben, Tuğçe Şenoğul, Wipeç ve Yank.


No recording exists

Meta Information

Date: 04/12/2020

Location: Online

Collaborators: Hood Base and Hexe Music

Technical Setup:

Cobra Reiterations II ( 2020 )

About the performance

The second performance of John Zorn Cobra in Bangkok, Thailand, with local artists and a guest vocalist from Egypt.



Meta Information

Date: 01/14/2020

Location: Jam, Bangkok, Thailand

Collaborators: Cerpintxt, Vocal / Akkaradech Sarn-In, Trumpet / Pakanat Rattanabankruay, Phin / Andrew Marshall, Keys / Don Pengboon, Guitar / Paponpat Weerawit,Prompter / Kerem Ergener, Drums

Primitive Synthesis III  ( 2020 )

About the performance

Part of a concert series with the Primitive Synthesis crew that investigates sounds of the sonic realm and synthesis.


[Excerpt available on YouTube]

Meta Information

Date: January, 2020

Location: Jam, Bangkok, Thailand

Collaborators: -

Cobra Reiterations with Primitive Synthesis Ensemble ( 2020 )

About the performance

The first performance of John Zorn Cobra in Bangkok, Thailand, with Primitive Synthesis Ensemble.


[Excerpts available on YouTube]

Meta Information

Date: 12/18/2019

Location: Jam, Bangkok, Thailand

Collaborators: Primitive Synthesis Ensemble / Kajornsak Kittimathaveenan, Prompter

Sonik Chamber #12 (2019)

About the performance

Noiseistanbul presents:

SONIK CHAMBER #9 "the sonic chamber for sonic worship"

Batur Sonmez, who left his mark on Turkish electronic music in the last 20 years with his visionary works on behalf of contemporary experimental, electronic and noise music, ended his concert called "Signals From Outside" and "Noiseistanbul" series in 2016 which lasted for 10 years. In 2017, he launched a new concept, the experimental, electronic, noise, improvisational music series "Sonik Chamber". Sonik Chamber is based on its progressive and innovative music approach formed by electronic / experimental music pioneers such as Luigi Russolo, Pierre Schaeffer, John Cage, Karlheinz Stockhausen and İlhan Mimaroğlu.

In the 9th event of the series, Aaron Dilloway and Kerem Ergener from Istanbul are invited.

The night will begin with the solo performances of the musicians taking part, and all the musicians together will end up with the Sonik Chamber performance that gives the event its name.


Meta Information

Date: 10/03/2019

Location: KargART, Istanbul Turkey

Collaborators: Batur Sonmez and Aaron Dilloway

The Replicants Scores Three Short Films by Maya Deren (2019)

About the performance

The Replicants is the project of electronic music composer and multimedia artist Kerem Ergener and lo-fi music writer Onat Önol. Ergener and Önol, who have previously produced music in the genres of noise, drone, power electronics and lo-fi indie, add industrial electronic sounds and guitar layers to the dark ambient and drone infrastructures in The Replicants' music.

The Replicants will be on the backstage stage on the evening of March 13, accompanied by Maya Deren's short films.


[Excerpt available on YouTube]

Meta Information

Date: 03/13/2019

Location: ArkaOda, Istanbul, Turkey

Collaborators: Kerem Ergener, Electronics / Onat Onol, Guitar

Sonik Chamber #9

Album notes

Noiseistanbul presents:

SONIK CHAMBER #9 "the sonic chamber for sonic worship"

Batur Sonmez, who left his mark on Turkish electronic music in the last 20 years with his visionary works on behalf of contemporary experimental, electronic and noise music, ended his concert called "Signals From Outside" and "Noiseistanbul" series in 2016 which lasted for 10 years. In 2017, he launched a new concept, the experimental, electronic, noise, improvisational music series "Sonik Chamber". Sonik Chamber is based on its progressive and innovative music approach formed by electronic / experimental music pioneers such as Luigi Russolo, Pierre Schaeffer, John Cage, Karlheinz Stockhausen and İlhan Mimaroğlu.

In the 9th event of the series, drummer Ryosuke Kiyasu from Japan and Kerem Ergener from Istanbul are invited.

The night will begin with the solo performances of the musicians taking part, and all the musicians together will end up with the Sonik Chamber performance that gives the event its name.



Meta Information

Date: 02/19/2019

Location: KargART, Istanbul, Turkey

Collaborators: Ryosuke Kiyasu and Batur Sonmez

Koda: The Replicants  (2018)

About the performance

The Replicants concert organized by Koda music series.


[Excerpt available on YouTube]

Meta Information

Date: 11/19/2018

Location:, Istanbul, Turkey

Collaborators: Kerem Ergnener, Electronics / Onat Onol Guitar

Terry Riley's In C with Istanbul Coding Ensemble (2018)

About the performance

An alternative version of Terry Riley's In C with the collaboration Istanbul Laptop Ensemble and MIAM contemporary music ensemble.


[Excerpt available on YouTube]

Meta Information

Date: May, 2018

Location: AltBomonti, Istanbul, Turkey

Collaborators: Istanbul Laptop Ensemble and MIAM contemporary music ensemble

Sonik Chamber #6 (2018)

Album notes

Noiseistanbul presents:

SONIK CHAMBER #6 "the sonic chamber for sonic worship"

Batur Sonmez, who left his mark on Turkish electronic music in the last 20 years with his visionary works on behalf of contemporary experimental, electronic and noise music, ended his concert called "Signals From Outside" and "Noiseistanbul" series in 2016 which lasted for 10 years. In 2017, he launched a new concept, the experimental, electronic, noise, improvisational music series "Sonik Chamber". Sonik Chamber is based on its progressive and innovative music approach formed by electronic / experimental music pioneers such as Luigi Russolo, Pierre Schaeffer, John Cage, Karlheinz Stockhausen and İlhan Mimaroğlu.

In the 6th event of the series, electronic musician-producer Samur Khouja from the USA and Kerem Ergener from Istanbul are invited.

The night will begin with the solo performances of the musicians taking part, and all the musicians together will end up with the Sonik Chamber performance that gives the event its name.



Meta Information

Date: 09/05/2018

Location: KargArt, Istanbul, Turkey

Collaborators: Samur Khouja and Batur Sonmez

MIAM concerts – 3 For Vibraphone and Live Coding with Istanbul Coding Ensemble (2018)

About the performance

A 30-minute concert of live coding by three members of Istanbul Coding Ensemble (ICE), featuring Amy Salsgiver (vibraphone). Melodic streams created by the vibraphone were analysed using a machine listening algorithm in real time implemented in the SuperCollider programming language. The data then was used as raw material to build improvisations and create a dialogue between vibraphone and the laptop performers on the fly. Performed pieces:

• Not so much radio coding after Dan Stowell

• Vibrocode



Meta Information

Date: 07/10/2018

Location: Arter, Istanbul Turkey

Collaborators: Konstantinos Vasilakos, live coding / Bartu Çankaya, live coding / Kerem Ergener, live coding / Amy Salsgiver, percussion

Memory and Change (2018)

Album notes

This performance is a collaboration with new music ensemble SAVT under the concept of "Memory and Change".



Meta Information

Date: 09/27/2017

Location: AltBomonti, Istanbul, Turkey

Collaborators: SAVT (Merve Salgar, Tanbur/Elif Canfeza Gündüz, Classical Kemençe / Zeynep Ayşe Hatipoğlu, Cello) and Le Horla (Kerem Ergener, electronics)

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